Worry about yourself… a letter to my daughter.

Dear daughter,

Let me first start off by saying right now in your 7 mo of life all you care about is you and your needs. As you get older people are going to encourage you to care about other things besides yourself, Daddy and I, Red Bear and your puppies. By all means learn to be caring and generous of others but please don’t ever forget to take care of you.

This world is full of people and situations that are unfair. From the person everyone thinks is the worlds greatest whatever that you know will do anything to win, to the person who worships the all mighty dollar so much they will cut you out of a commission or not pay their bills, first chance they get. Some of these will have so many others drink their Kool Aide that your gonna be scared to stand up for yourself but handle it however makes you feel best (without going to jail please)

Your gonna look around in wonder sometime or another when you have done nothing but treat a person with respect and honesty and they spread lies about you because something didn’t suit them. Maintain your integrity don’t give them something real to spread about you. Be done with them and move on.

Your going to sit and watch the best people in the world struggle and fail and your going to see the worst achieve their every dream. Remember my daughter behind closed doors there’s more too them than what you see.

People are going to use your christian faith in bad business dealings it’s going to cut you to the core, make sure when you witness to someone it’s from the heart and genuine.

You’re not going to handle every situation with dignity or class just make sure your actions are ones you can live with. You’re going to make mistakes, your going to experience the feelings of jealousy, envy, and possibly even hatred. Please don’t let these feelings consume you.

You will fail time and time again get up and keep trying. If when you lay your head down at night you loose sleep over things that do not phase others, consider that a good thing it means you have a conscience. Care about what others think of you but know that there are those who’s minds you can not change and that’s ok. You’re


going to draw false assumptions too from time to time. Just be prepared to admit your mistakes if necessary. Win and loose graciously but do not be afraid to be proud of your accomplishments.

Most of all little one stay true to yourself, when you make mistakes, apologize. If something weighs heavily on your heart that’s god telling you to find a way to deal with it whether it’s an apology or simply removing yourself from whatever or whomever it is. Trust begins with trusting yourself. Nobody is perfect and virtually everyone kicks up their feet in a glass house. At the end of the day till you have a daughter of your own the only person you really need to worry about is you

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